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Remodeling General Contractor Cary
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Step 4: Ballpark Estimate — In many cases, homeowners are just looking for a ballpark estimate to determine the financial feasibility of the project and for planning ahead. If this is the case, please let Aaron know and depending on the type of project and its size most of the time Aaron can give you a ballpark estimate onsite based on his experience and knowledge.

Step 5: Written Estimate — If the ballpark estimate is within your budget range, within one week of your initial consultation we will provide you with a written estimate. The estimate will outline in detail the scope of work involved, allowances for selections such as light fixtures, granite tops and a total estimated cost of your project. For larger projects such as finished basements, attic fit-ups and additions, we will request another meeting to go over the estimate in detail with you. Otherwise, we will email you the written estimate and follow up with you a day or two later to discuss.


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They really care about their work. Friendly and pleasant. I want to hire them for more work.
Elizabeth Pace
January 2010
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